
Default categories
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Image proxy





Currently used search engines
Engine name Category Allow / Block
archive is (ai)‎ general
asksteem (as)‎ general
wikipedia (wp)‎ general
bing (bi)‎ general
currency (cc)‎ general
ddg definitions (ddd)‎ general
erowid (ew)‎ general
wikidata (wd)‎ general
duckduckgo (ddg)‎ general
etymonline (et)‎ general
faroo (fa)‎ general
gigablast (gb)‎ general
google (go)‎ general
library genesis (lg)‎ general
qwant (qw)‎ general
reddit (re)‎ general
startpage (sp)‎ general
ixquick (iq)‎ general
swisscows (sw)‎ general
yahoo (yh)‎ general
yandex (yn)‎ general
dictzone (dc)‎ general
mymemory translated (tl)‎ general
digbt (dbt)‎ files
fdroid (fd)‎ files
google play apps (gpa)‎ files
kickass (kc)‎ files
nyaa (nt)‎ files
openrepos (or)‎ files
piratebay (tpb)‎ files
tokyotoshokan (tt)‎ files
torrentz (tor)‎ files
seedpeer (speu)‎ files
bing images (bii)‎ images
deviantart (da)‎ images
duckduckgo images (ddi)‎ images
500px (px)‎ images
1x (1x)‎ images
flickr (fl)‎ images
frinkiac (frk)‎ images
google images (goi)‎ images
nyaa (nt)‎ images
qwant images (qwi)‎ images
reddit (re)‎ images
swisscows (sw)‎ images
arch linux wiki (al)‎ it
bitbucket (bb)‎ it
free software directory (fsd)‎ it
gitlab (gl)‎ it
github (gh)‎ it
geektimes (gt)‎ it
habrahabr (habr)‎ it
hoogle (ho)‎ it (lo)‎ it
stackoverflow (st)‎ it
searchcode doc (scd)‎ it
searchcode code (scc)‎ it
framalibre (frl)‎ it
openstreetmap (osm)‎ map
photon (ph)‎ map
deezer (dz)‎ music
digbt (dbt)‎ music
genius (gen)‎ music
google play music (gps)‎ music
kickass (kc)‎ music
mixcloud (mc)‎ music
nyaa (nt)‎ music
piratebay (tpb)‎ music
soundcloud (sc)‎ music
spotify (stf)‎ music
tokyotoshokan (tt)‎ music
torrentz (tor)‎ music
youtube (yt)‎ music
seedpeer (speu)‎ music
bing news (bin)‎ news
digg (dg)‎ news
faroo (fa)‎ news
google news (gon)‎ news
qwant news (qwn)‎ news
reddit (re)‎ news
yahoo news (yhn)‎ news
arxiv (arx)‎ science
base (bs)‎ science
crossref (cr)‎ science
google scholar (gos)‎ science
microsoft academic (ma)‎ science
openairedatasets (oad)‎ science
openairepublications (oap)‎ science
pdbe (pdb)‎ science
pubmed (pub)‎ science
scanr structures (scs)‎ science
semantic scholar (se)‎ science
wolframalpha (wa)‎ science
digg (dg)‎ social media
qwant social (qws)‎ social media
reddit (re)‎ social media
twitter (tw)‎ social media
voat (vo)‎ social media
bing videos (biv)‎ videos
ccc-tv (c3tv)‎ videos
digbt (dbt)‎ videos
google videos (gov)‎ videos
google play movies (gpm)‎ videos
ina (in)‎ videos
kickass (kc)‎ videos
nyaa (nt)‎ videos
piratebay (tpb)‎ videos
subtitleseeker (ss)‎ videos
tokyotoshokan (tt)‎ videos
torrentz (tor)‎ videos
youtube (yt)‎ videos
dailymotion (dm)‎ videos
vimeo (vm)‎ videos
seedpeer (speu)‎ videos
1337x (1337x)‎ videos

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